The show followed the lives of Frankie Valli, Tommy DeVito, Bob Gaudio, and Nick Massi, the four of whom made up the group The Four Seasons. Stories change when different people tell them, so each of the four men get their turn to tell the story. Tommy, who started the group, opens the show, followed by Bob, then Nick, and Frankie finishes it out. At the very end, all four come together as they are inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, and they tell the audience what they are currently doing with their lives.
When the story starts, Tommy, Nick, and Tommy's brother Nick are standing on the Streets of New Jersey, singing under a street light and trying to be noticed. They sing at night club after night club, doing the best they can to get by. Then, Tommy Meets Frankie, and puts him in the group. Through a series of events, Tommy and both Nicks end up in prison. When Nick (not Tommy's brother) and Tommy get out, the two and Frankie are back to the grind, trying once again to get by. After a while Bob, a one-hit wonder song writer, is introduced to the group, and he starts spitting out chart-toppers like nobody's business, including "Sherry," "Big Girls Don't Cry," "Walk Like a Man," and "December 1963 (Oh, What a Night!)." However, their stay at the top doesn't last forever, and soon, everything spirals out of control. In the end, even though the group split, all is well.
I highly recommend this show to any Broadway lover, as long as you don't mind strong language. Trust me, the songs will stick with you long after you leave the theater.
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